So guys, 4th of July is right around the corner and you know what that means right? It's time to get LIT! And, no, I don't just mean fireworks! Haha!! When I think of July 4th, my mind cues in the nostalgic smell of BBQ in the air, a stunning display of fireworks, & great summertime fun! And, THIS time around, I wanted to add getting crafty in the kitchen concocting a fun cocktail to go along with the holiday festivities. The end result...A colorful, bright, fun, & easy-to-make cocktail, I call my "Star Spangled Spritz." Anddd, I’m making a decadent, American-inspired, dessert to go along with it! So read-on mes amis and get ready to chef it up!
"Star Spangled Spritz" Cocktail Recipe
-8 oz. Club Soda
-2 oz. Grenadine
-2 oz. Blue Curacao
Wine & Liquor
-3 oz. Vodka
-2 Cups Crushed Ice
Step 1Â - In a glass pour in the grenadine.
Step 2Â - Fill the glass with ice (all the way to the top).
Step 3Â - Pour in the club soda.
Step 4Â - In a shaker, add ice, citrus vodka, and blue curacao.
Step 5Â - Shake and slowly strain into the glass on the tippy top of the crushed ice.
"So patience is definitely key while making it! I had to learn this the hard way after a few tries."
Now in order to get that cool, layered-red, white, & blue, effect...It’s important that you really take your time executing this drink. So patience is definitely key while making it! I had to learn this the hard way after a few tries...
Especially, when pouring the last layer of blue curacao. A pro-tip is to pour it very lightly and slowly using the back of a spoon in order to help keep the layers from mixing. Still, the curacao will eventually start to sink to the middle as portrayed in my images, so working quickly and not letting it sit for too long is another key tip!
If you'd like a quick demonstration of how I created this drink, then click the video below!
Watch It Here
Now onto the dessert portion...
I call this my "Red, White, & Blueberry Trifle!" And guys, it's a SUPER delicious and easy-to-make sweet treat that’s more on the lighter side, which is perrrfect for the summertime! There are many different variations of this sweet treat all over the internet in terms of the overall aesthetic, but it all entails the same process of layering the ingredients. You can even get the kids to join you in making it because there’s absolutely no baking involved, unless you prefer doing your own cake from scratch of course! But, I'm a semi-homemade kinda gyal, so if that's your jam, then you'll LOVEEE this recipe! And another bonus is that it doesn't have to be super neat either. To be honest, it low-key gives "kitchen sink" recipe vibes. All the ingredients you’ll need are listed below.
"Red, White, & Blueberry" Trifle Recipe
Baked Goods
-1 Qty Box of Entenmann's Pound Cake (The best kind in my opinion!!)
-1 Qty Box of Little Debbie's Shortcake (Optional; I cut these into slice to make the
pinwheels at the base of my trifle, but this step isn't necessary, as the trifle is delicious enough on it's own and I only used it in this dessert more for a little razzle dazzle haha!!)
-1 Qty Pint of Strawberries
-1 Qty Pint of Blueberries
-1 Tub of Heavy Whipped Cream (I used Cool Whip for mine); It doesn't have to be heavy whipped cream, but I find that it works better to sustain the weight of the fruits & cake chunks.
-1 Can of Whipped Cream (Optional, if you want to do a fancier garnish on top w/more precision)
Step 1Â - Grab a trifle glass bowl; If you do not already have one then you can order one off of Amazon, or go to your nearest Home Goods, TJ Max, or Marshalls; Try to get one that doesn't have such a strong beveled bottom base like mine. It just works much better when arranging the pinwheel slices.
Step 2 - Grab the Little Debbie strawberry pinwheel cakes and cut approximately 1/4-inch slices until your done with the whole box; Pro tip: Refrigerating the Little Debbie cakes for 30 minutes to an hour will make for an easier cut with cleaner slices (Again, had to learn this the hard way).
Step 3 - Start lining up your pinwheel slices at the bottom of the base of the trifle glass; I did 2 rows, but feel free to switch things up and do any design you prefer.
Step 4 - Cut up your pound cake into square chunks
Step 5Â - Start layering the base of your trifle w/the square chunks; Then pour in a layer of heavy cream over the square chunks.
Step 6 - Now layer in the blueberries; Then pour in a layer of heavy cream over the blueberries.
Step 7- Now slice up your strawberries and layer in the strawberries; Then pour in a layer of heavy cream over the strawberries.
Step 5Â - Repeat these steps with the cake chunks, blueberries, & strawberries until you reach approximately 1-2 inches to the top of your trifle glass. Here is where you can get creative with the designs. Personally, I lined up the strawberry slices around the perimeter of the trifle glass and filled the center with blueberries; Then I garnished the tippy top with 1-whole luscious strawberry.
Well, there you have it guys! This refreshingly "lit" cocktail paired with this decadent, dessert will make you the host or hostess with the most! Be sure to follow me on all things social and DM me photos of you toasting your "Star Spangled Spritzes" and your empty dessert plates! Haha!!
Cheers and until next time....
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